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Oily Skin

What is Oily skin and who gets it?

Oily skin is primarily caused by excessive skin oil (sebum) being produced. During puberty increased male hormones, present in both males and females, Androgen - signals the oil glands of the skin to mature and the body begins producing more skin oil. For some, oil glands can go into overdrive and the skin produces an oily look. This oily appearance normally reduces after puberty, but it can persist into adulthood. It is often seasonally effected, coinciding with humid weather. On the whole, people with overactive oil glands/ excessive sebum production tend to suffer more with acne.

Oily skin can be thick, dull and often shiny. A chronically oily skin has tends to exhibit coarser pores, develops pimples other blemishes and tends to be more prone to blackheads.

Astringents, alcohols and harsh soaps. These products irritate the skin, and irritation of the skin can result in acne.

Over-cleansing. The idea of washing your face excessively to get rid of oil or the oily shine is reasonable, but however enticing it may be it is one of the worst things you can do if you especially if you are acne-prone. Over-washing can produce excessive dryness and irritation, both of which are known to increase symptoms of acne. Cleanse your face morning and night with a cleanser developed to assist in regulating oil.

Heavy cosmetics. While scientists haven’t performed any direct research into how heavy foundations or other greasy makeup specifically affect oil production, these products do seem to make exasperate symptoms of oily skin and are more likely to be pore-clogging.

Heavy Moisturisers. The use of heavy or greasy moisturisers should be avoided for anyone with oily skin. However, regular application of a light, non-comedogenic (will not clog pores) moisturiser can help calm the oiliness of their skin. Moisturisers containing Jojoba Oil tend to be acclaimed for their oil regulating ability.

Myths about oily skin

Sun Exposure to Dry Up Oil: UV Exposure is never good for your skin. You might feel like getting some sun gives your skin a drier feeling, but your sebaceous glands will work with a heightened intensity to replace lost oil resulting in more oil than before.

Alcohol helps control oil: Like trying to dry up oil through sun exposure, stripping the skin with alcohol (and alcohol like ingredients i.e methylated spirits) will result in your sebaceous glands working excessively to replace lost oil and results in more oil than before. Alcohol based ingredients will also lead to dehydrated, irritated and more sensitive skin.

Sunscreens are too Oily for me: There are numerous products on the market that have superior formulations to sunscreens of old, and there’s even a few that are designed for oily skin. Speak to a skin care professional for a product recommendation. Oily Skin can’t be controlled: Oily skin is as controllable as any other skin condition. A regime of specifically designed skincare, perhaps in conjunction with some lifestyle changes, may be all you need to help you get your skin under control. Make an appointment with a skin care professional for a diagnosis, product recommendations and advice.

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